* SA is still on Lockdown Level 3 but…
* Curfew is now 11pm to 4am.
* Restaurants can stay open untill 10pm
* Church gathering is now allowed.
Max 50 people indoor and Max 100 people outdoor.
* Public places like beaches, rivers, swimming pools are all allowed to re-open.
* Alcohol for sale 10 am to 6pm every day from Monday to Thursday for off site consumption.
* Sale of alcohol for on site consumption at restaurants 10am to 10pm permitted.
* Large gathering is still not permitted.
* Funerals max 50 people.
* Everybody MUST wear a mask in a public place.
* Isolate if you have the virus and avoid indoor gatherings.
* The first batch of 1 000 000 vaccines have arrived in SA this morning.
These vaccines came from India and will now be tested in SA to make sure its of good quality.
* The rest of the vaccine will arrive like this:
500 000 will arrive end of February
2 000 000 in March
9 000 000 in the second quarter from Johnson&Johnson
20 000 000 from Pfizer in the second quarter
* Who will get vaccinated??
All health care workers in public and private institutions will be vaccinated first.
Secondly essential workers, people over 60 and people with cormorbidities and people in frail care facilities.
Thirdly the rest of the adult population in the country.
* An electronic data vaccine distribution system was developed. It will be used to manage the administration of the vaccination program.
* Vaccination will assist to create herd immunity and should happen once 40 million people have been vaccinated. (that’s about 60% of the population)
* Vaccination will be allowed for everybody regardless of their residence status..
* Getting vaccinated will be voluntary.
No one will be forced to vaccinate.
There will be no regulations regarding the vaccine.