The “Banomoya” hitmaker has been exposed as a cheater on social media
after his mistress leaked screenshots of their conversations on
Instagram as well as nudes the Prince sent her.
Although he is no
stranger to setting the internet alight with his music and dance moves,
he surely didn’t expect to cause a storm with a scandal like this.
first, Kaybee denied that he had had an affair, but he later admitted
publicly that he had cheated on his girlfriend, Zola Mhlongo.
Many women have taken to Twitter to offer “free lunch” to one of the country’s top celebrities.
One user asked Prince Kaybee, “Can I take you out for Lunch? 😭😍”
meanwhile, have tarred him with the same brush as former cabinet
minister Malusi Gigaba and Ukhozi FM motivational speaker, Pastor
Sthembiso Zondo.
Both Gigaba and Zondo were dubbed the “blessed”
after their naked images were leaked online – both of which were taken
during a respective infidelity.
view Prince Kaybee 45
Prince Kaybee, who is one of the country’s top DJs, was exposed by a woman known only to the internet as Eurica.
After attempting several different excuses to no avail, Prince Keybee came clean and apologised.
an open letter, he also admitted that it wasn’t the first time he had
cheated in a relationship and also that he had also been cheated on in
the past.
On Twitter, Prince apologised to his girlfriend, who he admitted he had publicly humiliated. He also apologised to his mother.
tweet read: “I cheated, I humiliated my girlfriend publicly. To the
people I have disappointed, the businesses I represent, my girlfriend
and my mother, I profusely apologise from the bottom of my heart.”
year, the renowned DJ and his girlfriend Zola, who have been an item
for over a year, wore their hearts on their sleeves on the episode of
the YouTube show, Defining Love.
But only time will tell if they are still in love with one another after this fiasco.
Picture source: @PrinceKaybee_SA