Model and Agency owner Lerato Habiba Makgatho raped 14 man and police are not arresting her because she is a Womem
A young man was raped at age 17 a year ago by a well know model and agency owner lerato habits makgatho who is currently fa ing 14 rape charges that police are not taking them serious.
According to the young boy police at SAPS laughed at him when he wanted to open a rape case, u til today th young man is suffering trauma of rape.
The young man is looking for help since he didn’t manage to open the case because no body took him serious and it is alleged that one of the police guys said it was not rape it was a blessing from the most high God.
People shoukd be aware that man are raped out there and no body listen to them when they cry.The young man has just turned 18 this year and he is failing to deal with the trauma he is still facing.
The young man went to join the modelling agency to get more booking and exposure and now he had to sleep with the owner who forced herself on him.