Video – Eastridge Mitchells Plain creche teacher beat children for refusing to eat their own vomit & then post the video on Facebook.
The disturbing video of Eastridge Mitchells Plain creche teacher which is making rounds on social media has forced the teacher to go missing for days now.
‘Eastridge Mitchells Plain creche’, It’s been described as the ‘creche from hell’ by a former teacher, who has shared her unsettling version of events from an eight-month spell of employment at the Darul Ghair Islamic Based Educare Centre in Portland, Mitchells Plain
IF you think you are evil it is because you have not seen this video, this teacher is evil more than the devil himself
Efforts to get comments from the creche Owner were unfruitful during the writing of this article because their phone kept on ringing without an answer and the video is leaving the population with many questions.
source :Mzansi stories