Klerksdorp (North West Province) Taxi rank Niger vs south african Taxi drivers – klerksdorp (town) blacks vs Nigerians
North West Province: Klerksdorp Taxis drivers Vs Nigerians one of hell of a fight – A group of Nigerians who are South African citizens allegedly killed one the taxi drivers in Klerksdorp which declared war against Taxi drivers, Taxi owners and the citizens in that area to fight Nigerian citizens.
There is no one who is a foreigner here in South Africa, Borders are foreigners that divided Africa Let’s stop killing each other.
Taxi Drivers and Owners Fighting Nigerians in connection with a Murder of A Driver. CBD Situation is Under Control by SAPS. Please Be Alert if you have to travel through Klerksdorp CBD and Pienaarsdorp Area.
Be Alert and Stay Safe
Report any Suspicious or Criminal Activity Immediately to SAPS on 0184645070/80.