Video of EFF leader Julius Malema Speaking On Malusi Gigaba’s Video and how he asked ‘Cindy Makhathini’ for s_e_x
Julius Malema said “Leaders take advantage of young poor girls and end up abusing them $3xualy like Former President Jacob Zuma who always help in exchange for $3xual favors.Leaders use their office equipment like Phone,computers or internet connection & etc and their positions to take advantage of women who are financially disadvantaged”
“Politicians use their proximity to power to manipulate the poor especially women, poor people come to you for help not offering themselves to you Mr Gigabytes.We cannot have $3x leaders working in offices that deals with people.” Malema said
Apparently Mr Gigabytes feel so strong after his video leak because women have been praising him on social media for having one of the biggest 4-5 even thou it doesn’t look strong and hard.
“Home affairs is not a $3x office, if Gigabytes want to showcase his $3xual skills must find a nearest s_trip show to go to, because while people are waiting for passports and ID’s he is busy m@sturbat!ng with the oil on the 4-5” Said Malema